Wednesday, 28 December 2016

PROGRESS & A second channel ?

As 2016 comes to an end. I look back on everything I've done, everything that's happened and all the things that, for whatever reason, didn't happen.

I suspect most of us do this in some way, shape or form even if not in such a conscious manner.

However In 2017 I really want to take more time to reflect, just to sit down and tell myself that actually I am doing ok. I'm not a screw up. Things aren't amazing or awful just ok and that's ok."

We put so much pressure on January, the month as a whole, along with the new year, new me, you, whoever do gooders. That it's so easy to immediately shout "FAIL" or "I QUIT" at the first fall.

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If I want to better myself I want to have realistic and long term results with longevity.

Forget the resolutions, and end goals.
I want to focus on happiness and PROGRESS!!

I'll be using an adult colouring diary and The happiness planner to help document my journey.

Want to see more stuff like this? I'm thinking of starting a second channel where I share a thought of the day... whether it be funny or serious, YouTube related or anything at all.


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Love Charlotte

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Struggles of the festive season

Who's excited for Christmas ??

If I'm honest, I don't think I could care less.
I've been going through a rough time lately, trying to blog, vlog and cope with my health and own personal issues has really gotten on top of me.

Blogging is my ultimate passion, well writing in general and I'm so glad I've got into the habit of posting more often.
I feel a lot like my brain and thought processes, are almost in constant over drive compared to my body. So I find writing like a therapy and release from the constant hyperactivity that seems to only exist in my mind.

It's such an odd feeling, when your body is the ultimate fail and yet your mind seemed to get the memo.

I often experience major ups and downs with my health and it can be easy to fall into a bad place mentally. Sometimes even when I feel awful I just have to get up, force a smile and drag myself out of the house. It's mainly for my own sanity, but today it was for the sake of Christmas tree shopping with my nephews.

I really tried to make an effort today.

I'm absolutely exhausted now, but so proud of myself for making the effort. I often feel like I'm completely alone and facing an uphill battle, but today I didn't, infact for a few hours I felt normal. Whatever normal is.

I guess I just want you to know that if you're struggling this festive season, you aren't alone, even when it may feel like it.

So many people find this time of year hard for many different reasons. Please reach out to friends and family if you're able to, other wise you can find out how to get in touch with the samaritans below

All my love

Join me on Youtube. I'm doing Vlogmas 2016

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