Friday, 30 October 2015

Halloween !!

All year we tell kids not to accept gifts from Strangers, to always, say NO. Yet on this one day a year everything goes out the window..."go knock on that door and ask for candy" could be some loose smarties and a small sherbet tube, could be Ecstasy tabs and a line of coke....who knows ??

Its all a bit weird.

This year I'm most likely going to Sleeping Beauty, wearing my PJs, tucked up in bed because I'm horribly anti social and nothing excites me in the slightest about venturing out into the cold.

No matter where you are, what you get up to, I hope you have a fantastic time and of course remember to stay safe.

Halloween Throwback
In case anyone needs to be reminded why I no longer drink

Staying In ?

Catch up on my Spooktober / October Faves 


Lots of love

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Tuesday, 20 October 2015

The Natural Beauty Co

Today I'd like to introduce a new brand, The natural beauty company. The natural beauty company specialises in 100% natural, cruelty free, vegan cosmetics all handmade locally in Cornwall.

Cornwall is already home to some great produce, but not so much in the beauty department. Finally a product locally made that won't help me gain 2 stone ( Thanks cider, fudge, pasties) .I've never been as excited to review products as I was waiting for my box of cornish beauty testers to arrive.

First up. I'm going to talk about the cleansing shampoo bar. Now I'm going to be 100% honest and admit I've always been a little skeptical about shampoo bars. Are they really going to be as good as my chemical laden liquid products? The fact this said, suitable for all hair types, wasn't really great at putting my mind at ease. I mean how can one product possibly work for everyone?....

On first use I wasn't exactly sold on the idea, and could have quite easily given up and used my over priced, salon products, while promising to never leave them again. However in the name of fair product reviewing, I Choose to persevere and in this case I'm truly glad I did.

By my third use I swear I'd been converted. My hair looked naturally healthy and glossy. I didn't need to use any conditioner and I could't even believe how much money I must be saving. I wash my hair every other day and after a week of use The bar was just as big as when I started. My top tip for others switching to this, would be to keep going. I admit it felt a bit weird at first, but peserverance pays off and I'm so glad I did.

£3.50 is such a bargain

The Caffeine Addict Coffee Scrub.

I absolutely love everything about this. First of all, any product where you don't have to question the majority of products, is probably already half way to being a winner. How much more natural than fair trade coffee, organic coconut oil and fair trade sugar, can you get?

This definitely left me feeling ready to face the day ahead. The perfect wakeup product. My skin felt clean almost glowing, plus I just love the smell of coffee.

I actually preferred this to a lot of the scrubs I've purchased from Lush. ( I mention Lush because it also makes natural, cruelty free products). If you only buy one thing from The Natural Beauty Company, buy this. I promise you won't be disappointed. For me personally I'm certainly going to be purchasing it again.

£6.50 for 100g

Pictures from The Natural Beauty Company

Be sure to check out their online store at

If you end up trying these yourself, let me know what you thought  :)
Be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel, Pretty Sure I'll be talking about these some more this month.

My Instagram @missclx

Lots of love

Disclaimer : Not Sponsored, Products sent for purpose of review. All thoughts / opinions are my own and I never mention products that I wouldn't use myself.

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Saturday, 17 October 2015

The truth about being single

I wanted to write something witty and laugh out loud entertaining, but writers block messed up that idea. Then I thought about something semi serious and inspirational, but nope no luck with that either. So instead I'm going to write the truth about being single.

It's officially that time of year here we all start looking for a winter partner. Someone to introduce to your family at christmas and someone you can guarantee will buy you a present you actually like.

There's also a few people in relationships who seem to think the grass is greener over here, the people who imagine our lives are all partying and casual sex, when in reality its having to actually pay for your own netflix account. (In my case the netflix account the whole family seems to use)

I mean obviously if your other half is a total dickhead, feel free to ditch them, but if you might I dunno, actually love them or something. It's probably best to read this list before calling your crew for a wild night out, I dumped the stupid bitch/bastard ( delete appropriately) celebration bash..

The truth about being single.

  • You will have one great night out celebrating being single and then no one will care. 
  • Other people still have relationships and don't wanna go out and play wing woman, they're probably gonna have a 'night in' with the other half i.e.. eat pizza and bang.
  • You'll probably exercise or go to the gym more than you actually sex (but when you eventually do your body will look amazing)
  • If you're lucky you'll get the occasional shit shag every few months that you'll have to wildly exaggerate to your friends
  • You'll have way more money to spend on yourself
  • You'll use that money to pay for your own netflix account
  • No one to spoon
  • Cooking for one, sucks
  • You'll probably download and delete tinder at least three times.
  • You'll probably spend a lot more time on the internet.
So there you are...ok I guess there are a few upsides, freedom mainly, but just something to think about before becoming single in hibernation season.



Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Have You Been Watching?

Check out my latest to head to my channel and subscribe

Lots of love Charlotte xxx

Saturday, 3 October 2015

New York New York #IIW2015

So from September 29th - October 4th, people around the world are coming together to raise awareness of invisible illnesses i.e. those disabling, debilitating conditions that remain hidden from the naked eye.

The 'but you don't look sick' sufferers, who go misunderstood.

This year I was asked to take part in the 'suffering in silence' campaign. Aiming to put these invisible fights into the spotlight.

I'm really flattered to have been involved and to have had my face and writing displayed in New York :) eeeek feeling proud...

Obviously as the majority of my followers are based in the UK, you wont have got to see it.
So without further delay...

If we ditch the invisible element of the term 'invisible illness' we're left with no more and no less than an illness. Just like any other.. We accept it as a part of us, without letting it define all that we are. We keep fighting, because we have to and because not looking sick doesn't mean that we're not. You can't see it but I'm strong. Charlotte Wells, UK Invisible illness week 2015 Invisible fight New York City The suffering in silence campaign.

Occasionally I like to say something smart, you know remind people my brain still works.

Just because you can't see something doesn't mean its not there.

I have lots of exciting things coming up...Are you following on Youtube? Click here for my latest videos.

Lots of



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