Wednesday, 28 January 2015

A wish list :)

I know its vain and superficial but anyone who says they don't have a wish list of items they want to own is quite honestly a liar. It's coming to the end of January, so I've had some time to think about things I want to achieve this year and of course the things I'd like to buy. Here are 5 of the bits and bobs I hope to own by 31st December 2015,

1) Girl Online
This book written buy Zoe Sugg aka Zoella has taken the internet by storm, with nothing but positive reviews. An inspiration to many young girls and bloggers alike, I know that this will most likely be the first thing I purchase (as its one of the cheapest)

2) Michael Kors bag
I absolutely adore Ted Baker bags and for a long time have found nothing that quite comes close. That is until I found Michael Kors Jet Set totes. Unfortunately they're a little pricey so I don't own one as of yet, but I'm sure when I do it'll be love.

3) Nike Wedge Sneakers
Wedge Trainers/sneakers are quite honestly one of the greatest inventions around, especially for a short girl like myself. I've owned various pairs by a selection of brands, but not a pair by Nike. Any sneaker fan or fitness addict will tell you Nikes where it's at. I need these in my life.

4) Pandora
I'm a bit of a charm addict. Pandora Jewellery is high quality at an affordable price with a huge product range. I already own 2 bracelets, both filled with sentimental charms that really reflect mt personality and remind me of good times. Lately I've started buying a few rings here and there, because they're stackable it's easy to really create your own look by wearing as many or as few as you like.

^^ My latest purchase ( photo my own )

5) A new home. I realise I will never be able to afford to own, but really this year I'd love to find somewhere long term, somewhere to call my own as much as possible. I've moved around a bit over the last year and I hate the feeling of not being settled.
I Just want somewhere I can decorate and be proud to show off. My own space to unwind in.

What are your must haves for 2015?
Do you have a wish list ?

Love Charlotte

(unless otherwise stated all images in this post are from google image search)

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Hospital records

Incase you haven't already worked it out from my snapchat story or Instagram etc, I'm currently in hospital waiting for surgery,

Anybody who's spent any amount of time in hospital will tell you it's fairly boring and in my case it's been pretty painful too.

Although the majority of staff go above and beyond to care, there are the select few who don't come across that great. This brings me to the title of this post... Hospital records

My dad and I tend to keep a rough record of my stays 
including approximate times of receiving medications.
Then the following happened....

Nurse: What time did Charlotte have blank ?
My dad : (looking at iPad) 10 past according to my record 
Nurse : (in an angry tone) We're going to have to ask you to stop keeping your own records, you don't have our consent.
My dad : I have Charlottes consent 
Nurse: but the hospital don't consent to you keeping records

Is it just me or does that whole exchange sound rediculous?

In my experience keeping my own rough notes allows me to make sense of my own treatments. 

I find it helpful to jot down what the doctor's said, what the plan moving forward is etc

What do you think? 
Do you keep personal notes?

Love Charlotte

Friday, 16 January 2015

Sneaker Chains UK

Just wanted to do a quick post on 

They were lovely enough to send over a few bits :) and I have to say I've been thoroughly impressed.

It's cool to see a company doing something new and different. I'm a massive nike fan and am loving having a nike sneaker keychain. I haven't seen anybody else offering a range of sneaker themed goodies and accessories.

The air freshener has proved a hit in our family. Replacing the weird smells of a teenage boys car with something a bit sweeter but not over powering.

Be sure to check them out at
Or search Sneaker chains on Instagram 
( I love their insta page )
Their range make quick and easy gifts for people and the delivery is super quick.


Friday, 9 January 2015


This last week has been super stressful and if I'm honest painful and not very fun at all.

I'm trying to move house and everyone knows how stressful that can be... I'm also clutching a carton of cranberry juice and running to the bathroom every 10 minutes.... Cystitis is a bitch FACT !!

On the subject of pain. Has anybody tried the actipatch ?

I've heard some great things but wanted to know what you guys thought?

I did a quick vlog style OOTD video, although in the end I only wore it to the shop and back, excuse the lighting and dirty mirror..

Hopefully everything blog wise etc will be back on track next week


Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year !! Tag

Happy New Year lovely people !!

Its the perfect time what with it being the first of January and all to take a quick look back at 2014 and the best way to do that I've decided, is by answering some random tag type questions I found on the internet .... Yay internet

anyhu..Lets go

What was the best thing that happened in 2014?

 I started my blog about half way through the year and despite some of the less than nice comments I get, It was definitely the best thing I did. I've got talking to a whole new range of people and I actually have something to focus on.

What was the Most challenging thing that happened?

My health has always been a challenge and 2014 was no different in that aspect, it certainly had its ups and downs.

What was an unexpected joy?

2014 was the year of the nephews. I mean I knew they were happening they didn't pop out of nowhere, but they certainly both added joy to the year. One born in January and the other in November.

An unexpected obstacle?

Again this is health related, although my health has been a challenge for a long time some things were just unexpected.

3 Words to describe 2014?

Stressful, Life changing but happy

Best book you read?

The fault in our stars. I know the movie's out but I don't think I'll bother with it to be honest. I find watching a movie after you've read the book tends to ruin the image you already built in your imagination.

Favourite film?

This isn't a 2014 favourite, just a life favourite. Beauty and the Beast. My dad and his other half were nice enough to get me a copy of the DVD for christmas and it was the best gift ever. I'm not sure why I didn't own it before.

Biggest Lesson learnt?

Some things you just can't change. If you can't do anything about it, there's really no point in stressing over it.

Any New Years resolutions?

I'm not a great believer in new years resolutions, not only because I know I'd fail miserably but because I think if you're going to make changes in your life you should do it because you want to, not because it's the first of January.

What are you excited for in 2015?

There's not anything in particular I'm looking forward to. I'm just happy to go with the flow and see what this year has in store.

I hope everybody had a great New Years Eve doing what ever you did. Wishing you all an amazing 2015

Don't forget to follow along


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