Sunday, 31 July 2016

Tired Of Being Tired - Guest Post ft New Life Outlook

First of all I'd like to thank New Life Outlook for not only writing this guest post but also being so patient in waiting for it to go live. My blogging schedule has been a bit all over the place lately due to my own illness. I've lots of exciting bits coming up so as usual. do stay tuned.

Tired Of Being Tired??

Strategies for When You’re Tired of Being Tired
One of the most misunderstood parts of having a chronic illness, like lupus or fibromyalgia, is the actual level of fatigue we experience and exactly what we mean when we say we are exhausted.
There are different levels of fatigue that chronic illness survivors must push through from day to day. On a scale of one to 10, thankfully not every day feels like a 10. 
At its worst, it could be described as an overwhelming sense of exhaustion and lack of energy that is completely out of proportion to our activity. Taking a shower can cause a need to lie down, for example.
The struggle is real and debilitating. Fatigue has a major impact on quality of life, interfering with activities of daily living, exercise, and the ability to cope with other symptoms of my chronic illness. 
As someone with both lupus and fibromyalgia, I have devised strategies for each level of fatigue I experience: 
Everyday Low-Level Fatigue
There is a nagging level of fatigue that seems to be present just about every day. I equate it to that mid-afternoon energy slump that healthy people often experience — only it is all day for those with a chronic illness. 
  • Eat energy foods. Eat something that will give energy, but not a sugar rush, like a few cashews or sweet potato chips. I drink extra water, and if I am still struggling a small iced coffee adds a little caffeine boost.
  • Take a mid-day rest for 20 minutes. Whether it is your lunch break or some down time after you have completed an activity, respond to your needs and let your body have a rest period. Don’t keep pushing through without allowing this catch-up period.
Sudden, Mid-Level Fatigue
There are days I seem to be only mildly fatigued in the morning, and suddenly it’s like I hit a wall. I’ll be cruising through my work and running to do errands and suddenly I feel it coming on — it’s so intense I I have to lay down as soon as possible. 
  • Avoid refined sugars and other sweets. Excess sugar can dramatically change blood glucose levels, causing them to rise quickly and then crash, making you more tired than before.
  • Eat foods high in vitamins, minerals, protein, and complex carbohydrates. High-quality protein (fish, poultry, and lean meat) can help your muscles stay strong, while complex carbohydrates (potatoes, whole-grain foods, and legumes) can help stabilize blood sugar levels, giving you energy throughout the day.
  • Take a nap. Yes, you need sleep! Keep it short so you don’t impact your normal night’s rest. Even a short sleep can provide a reboot of your body functions.
  • Try taking vitamin D and B-12. Speak to your doctor and see if supplements are OK for you to take. These two in particular provide me energy if taken regularly.

Full, Debilitating Fatigue
Fatigue and exhaustion while in a full-blown flare is a whole different beast. It is facing each day and night so tired that body seems so drained it longs for the peace of sleep. 
Often it is impossible to think clearly or even have the energy to make a meal. I describe this to others as the kind of fatigue you experience with the worst possible flu you’ve ever had, so tired you cannot bear it.
  • Take 15-minute rests throughout the day. Pace yourself and rest in brief periods to conserve your energy. If you simply can’t get moving, don’t.
  • Postpone activities. Sometimes we simply must cancel or postpone nonessential activities when this debilitating fatigue strikes. Always keep in mind you are battling a very real and disabling symptom of your chronic illness. Let go of any guilt that creeps in for not accomplishing everything on your to-do list.
  • Do things that help you rest and recharge. If spending a day in bed reading helps with you regain some energy, then do it. If meditation or yoga help you recharge, than don’t skip your routine unless you must. Know your body and respond to its needs in order to rebound from this full-level fatigue.
  • Once again, eat well-balanced foods and stay hydrated. This is important no matter what level of fatigue you are battling.
There are so many aspects of lupus and fibromyalgia that are difficult to endure, and fatigue is by far one the most impactful. Your strategy must include taking care of yourself, resting, watching what you put into your body, and allowing yourself time to recharge.
Read more about coping with fibromyalgia fatigue over at NewLifeOutlook.

Barbara Leech is a mom of four, autoimmune disease warrior and freelance writer. Throughout her personal battle with fibromyalgia, lupus, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, she is an advocate for greater public awareness and raising funds toward research and improved treatments for these and other autoimmune diseases.

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Sunday, 10 July 2016

The Fay Farms Serenity Review

"I have been given this product as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company. "

Lotions and potions, as someone living with a chronic illness you think you've tried all of them that could possibly help you. Well at least that's how I tend to think.

So when I got an email asking if I wanted to try the serenity lotion from The Fay Farms, I admit I was skeptical. Could it really be any different from anything else I've tried? Would it live up to the hype? would I hate it? and most importantly will it actually do anything? I just wasn't sure if this was the right product for me to be reviewing...However that all changed when I realised, they offer a version infused with CBD.

I don't want to turn this post in to a science lesson but simply put CBD is the name given to one of the cannaboids present in medical marijuana. One that provides many medical benefits, including pain relief but contains none of the psycho active properties that give you a high. (That's THC)

So first impressions, you get a decent amount for the price (2oz for $20) and I love that it comes with a pump top, it just makes life a little cleaner and easier.

I noticed fairly quickly the heavy lavender scent. If you're not a lavender fan then this may not be right for you. On that basis and because lavender tends to help me with sleep. I decided that at least for me personally it would be better suited for evening use. On the bottle it says it includes CBD 200mg so as to help soothe anxiety and nerve pain. I definitely felt a sense of calm upon application and after three to four nights use I realised I was a lot less restless at night.

I've now got into the habit of running the lotion into pulse points and achey muscles before bed. I've found best results tend to occur if I use the lotion after a bath. It feels like a luxurious extra step in my night time routine and let's be honest, most of us love a little luxury in life.

I don't know wether the lotion itself has had a direct affect on pain or wether my pain feels improved due to better sleep and feeling more relaxed.

Either way I'd certainly use other products from the range. Most products can be bought with or without containing CBD. I know not everyone feels comfortable around the subject of cannaboids and medical marijuana. All products from The Fay Farms are also organic.

Go have a look at
And receive 10% off and free US shipping using the code 'CLX'
U.K. Shipping comes to the equivalent of about £7

You can also find The Fay Farm on Facebook
and on Twitter.

All my social media links are in the side bar.
Have you tried CBD based products?

Monday, 4 July 2016

3 things bloggers want you to know

Blogging as a hobby and even a career seems to be a bigger thing each and every day.

99% of the time the blogger community is supportive and friendly. However sometimes people come along that tend to rub everyone up the wrong way..

So wether you're looking to get your foot through the door of the blogging world or you're just an avid blog follower.

Here's three things myself (and probably some others) want you to know.

1) If you want to take up blogging or are already doing so, just for freebies and/ or money. You make everyone look bad. Sending emails to brands practically DEMANDING freebies is not only extremely rude, it puts them off working with other bloggers.

2) On the subject of money, don't message asking how I make money of my blog and how you want to do the same. My situation is mainly a lot of hard work and a bit of luck. Lately I've had a lot of these, weirdly by people who haven't even written a single blog post and expect a pay check from typing the first word.

3)Actually Blogging is a "proper job" it's so insulting when you imply I don't actually do any work. I'm sure many others will agree with me. Imagine if I
turned up at your job and did the same.

This was just a quick post but I hope you enjoyed it. I didn't wanna fall down a deep hole on this subject. I could probably go on.

Anything you wanna add ?

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