Sunday, 10 July 2016

The Fay Farms Serenity Review

"I have been given this product as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company. "

Lotions and potions, as someone living with a chronic illness you think you've tried all of them that could possibly help you. Well at least that's how I tend to think.

So when I got an email asking if I wanted to try the serenity lotion from The Fay Farms, I admit I was skeptical. Could it really be any different from anything else I've tried? Would it live up to the hype? would I hate it? and most importantly will it actually do anything? I just wasn't sure if this was the right product for me to be reviewing...However that all changed when I realised, they offer a version infused with CBD.

I don't want to turn this post in to a science lesson but simply put CBD is the name given to one of the cannaboids present in medical marijuana. One that provides many medical benefits, including pain relief but contains none of the psycho active properties that give you a high. (That's THC)

So first impressions, you get a decent amount for the price (2oz for $20) and I love that it comes with a pump top, it just makes life a little cleaner and easier.

I noticed fairly quickly the heavy lavender scent. If you're not a lavender fan then this may not be right for you. On that basis and because lavender tends to help me with sleep. I decided that at least for me personally it would be better suited for evening use. On the bottle it says it includes CBD 200mg so as to help soothe anxiety and nerve pain. I definitely felt a sense of calm upon application and after three to four nights use I realised I was a lot less restless at night.

I've now got into the habit of running the lotion into pulse points and achey muscles before bed. I've found best results tend to occur if I use the lotion after a bath. It feels like a luxurious extra step in my night time routine and let's be honest, most of us love a little luxury in life.

I don't know wether the lotion itself has had a direct affect on pain or wether my pain feels improved due to better sleep and feeling more relaxed.

Either way I'd certainly use other products from the range. Most products can be bought with or without containing CBD. I know not everyone feels comfortable around the subject of cannaboids and medical marijuana. All products from The Fay Farms are also organic.

Go have a look at
And receive 10% off and free US shipping using the code 'CLX'
U.K. Shipping comes to the equivalent of about £7

You can also find The Fay Farm on Facebook
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All my social media links are in the side bar.
Have you tried CBD based products?

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