Diet is the absolute first thing i'd recommend looking into in the event of long term conditions (most doctors would too) The smallest changes can make such a massive difference.
Even those of us that are lucky enough to be in perfect health will often notice the benefits of a healthy diet plan.
I'm a vegetarian, wheat, gluten, dairy free girl, admittedly more through illness than choice. In order to make sure I'm getting all the vitamins, nutrients and minerals I need, I've alway relied on some sort of supplement. As more people eat on the go, indulge in fast food, spend more time living a sedentary lifestyle. More people miss out on vital vitamins, minerals & nutrients needed to keep us in tip top condition.
As we say goodbye to 2015 and head into the new year full of good intentions and health kick starts, I thought I should mention a company, I think is pretty awesome. Not only do they sell great value dietary supplements, to help you and YOUR health. A percentage of each sale goes towards MS, Multiple Sclerosis Charities. Helping OTHERS health too.
A Family run business, manufacturing and selling exclusively to the UK market.
GET £5 OFF using code CHARLOTTE on the checkout page
FREE DELIVERY on orders over £15
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Heres me with my Vitamin D Tablets. A WHOLE YEARS SUPPLY for only £12.99. Crazy !!
Due to my illness, unfortunately I spend a lot of time indoors. Our main source of vitamin D is the sun. So I thought these were just what I personally needed. (Of course they do other products)
After taking them for 2 weeks, I noticed an improvement in my mood and energy levels.
Long term I'm hoping they benefit my immune system, bones, teeth and more.
A 5 star average feedback score and almost 600 reviews on amazon, make me feel confident that they will.
Why not go check out what they have to offer at ?
GET £5 OFF using code CHARLOTTE on the checkout page
FREE DELIVERY on orders over £15
Tell me what your health / fitness goals are for 2016..
Are you planning on changing your diet or upping your supplement game ??
Let me know
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