Monday, 24 November 2014

Potato Salad / side dish

So this is my very first foodie post, I hope you guys like it, be sure to let me know what you think by commenting or getting in touch on twitter.

This is such a simple dish, great for packing into a lunch box or adding as a side to meats etc

New Potato Salad

Ingredients Needed 

  • Mini / new potatoes
  • Mayonnaise 
  • Mixed herbs ( I used Basil & Parsley )
  • Salt & Pepper to taste

Cooking / Preparation

  • Boil a pan of water
  • When bubbling and boiling away, add potatoes
  • Cook for 20 minutes 
  • When potatoes are fully cooked drain water 

  • Allow to cool for 20 minutes

  • Mix in mayo, herbs, salt and pepper

You're all ready to serve...

I placed mine back into the fridge to eat later as I prefer it cold.

It's equally as yummy hot though, just add the mayo etc straight after draining.


Charlotte xx

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

It's a spoonie tag

Hey lovelys this is, as the title suggests, a #spoonie related post, chronic illness etc.

Currently I'm attempting to get comfy in my hospital bed. It seemed like the ideal opportunity to blog (thankyou blogger app). I've seen quite a few of these spoonie / illness questionnaires knocking about on tumblr etc but not felt overly ok with the questions, too personal maybe? 

So without further adue this is my own version.

1) Would you describe yourself as a spoonie? - yes I think the term spoonie is a great help in describing the impact of chronic illnesses and can create a sense of community.

2) what would your one bit off advice be to someone perhaps only just being diagnosed? - There's going to be good days and bad days, don't let the bad ones get you down, a good day is waiting right around the corner.

3) Your 5 spoonie essentials? - kindle, iPhone, headphones, netflix, Lucozade

4) Favourite film to cuddle up and watch on a bad day? - Beauty and the Beast :-) ... Any disney or laugh out loud comedy.

5) A feel good song you love? Taylor Swift - Welcome to New York

6) 3 facts about you ? (Not illness related) I collect Rubber Ducks, I love tattoos, I'm a vegetarian.

7) If you had to give £1000 to charity, what charity would it be? The FibroDuck Foundation. ( Google them )

8) A hobby you enjoy? Blogging

9) One wish? To be happy

10) A quote to live by? 

Let's get to know eachother, share your answers with me in the comments or on twitter using the hashtag #SpoonieTag

Love Charlotte

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

The Pressure of Social Media / Feeling Broody

It's approximately 7am and oh my god are my ovaries tingling, just kidding,but on a serious note my soon to be sister in law gave birth to a beautiful little boy a few hours ago... and wow isn't life just amazing?

The above meme statement couldn't be any more relevant to my life than it is right now. Literally half my friends (and my younger brother) are happily settled and popping out kids like there's no tomorrow, which is fine, of course, it's their lives and I'm happy for them.

Then there's me, I lose my phone on a regular basis, go out and drink far to much, prioritise make up and beauty related items over food, then wonder what I spent all my money on... Seriously where does it go ??

^^ that's where it goes

I haven't met that special someone and in no way am ready to give up my own life in order to bring another one in to the world. Yet sometimes (I hope I'm not the only one to feel this way) I feel somewhat, left behind, like I should have it all figured out by now, or at the very least have some sort of plan. Where's Mr Right? Am I going to be forty and fabulous before I meet someone and get down to baby making?

Our generation is the most open minded and accepting of allowing people to be whatever they want to be, yet through social media we seem to live in an era of ongoing competition. Everybody needs to brag about the amazing party they went to, the perfect relationship they're in, the new phone they bought.

At the age of 24 I flick through my newsfeed and feel inadequate. I don't seem to fit in.

But.....If that parties so amazing, that meal out was so delicious etc why are you on the internet boasting about it instead of enjoying the moment?

^^ a cheeky drink and dancing sesh

I'm slowly learning not to judge myself by the standards of others. To stop comparing myself.... Auntie cuddles are the best and I can return him when he cries.

Any other proud aunties?


Friday, 7 November 2014

I'm in winter mode

Today I resorted to finally switching the heating on. Infact over the last few days my home and my wardrobe have officially accepted it's winter time.

My evenings have been spent cuddled up in my new winter pajamas, sipping a steaming a hot chocolate and reading my kindle by scented candle light, all while tucked under a blanket.

It's November and now totally acceptable to turn down social situations on the basis of it being cold. Anyway I need to save money for all the delights December will throw my way.

^^ Apple and Cinnamon is heaven, £1 from Poundland.

Have you got into winter mode yet?
Anyone reccomend a good read ?


Sunday, 2 November 2014

Ann Summers

WARNING : The following blog post contains themes of a sexual / adult nature...

So recently I tweeted about a recent trip to Ann Summers, a few people requested reviews of the items I bought.... I wasn't overly sure this was a topic I wanted to blog about, but I've always been open and honest, so this I guess is my review of Ann Summers as a whole.

First of all the staff in my local store are some of the friendliest and most helpful ladies I've ever met. The customer service is top notch and they genuinely all seem to enjoy their jobs. 

I must say that being large chested, I find underwear shopping a chore. I love that Ann Summers have a free fitting service, and afterwards the staff have no problem helping you find your size amongst the rails. ( sometimes a mission in itself )

The 2 for £30 bra range are amazing quality, comfortable, sexy yet practical and I'm not ashamed to say I own almost every colour. The prefect every day lingerie.

Of course they've got you covered ( or not ) if you're looking for something a little more special. The Giles Deacon for Ann Summers collection is simply stunning and sure to impress that someone special in your life.

^^ Sam Faiers Modelling for Ann Summers

Let's talk toys .... You'd be hard pushed to find a single girl who doesn't own a rampant rabbit. It's the iconic / go to sex toy. Ann Summers are the original makers of the rabbit and are constantly expanding their range. 

I recently purchased one of their newest releases

This retailed at approx £50 ... Which is around the price I'd of expected it to be. It's the first rabbit to be made from 2 materials, metal aswell as sillicone. Compared to other rabbits in the hutch, the most obvious differences apart from the material, are the weight and the handle. 

Hopefully this isn't TMI but I really think this is Ann Summers way of stepping up their game. It's totally different to any rabbit to come before, and I'd definitely reccomend it to anyone looking to add something new to their naughty drawer. 

The only thing that may disappoint ( and I read this in reviews before purchase ) is the girth / shaft size. It's smaller than 'the neon one' and a few others, however I feel other qualities compensate for this.

Another quick treat to throw in your shopping basket would be the neon bodywand.

These retail for approximately £15 but when you spend over £50 at Ann Summers online, you can get it free.

And one for the boys......

Available online, Ann Summers have ventured into stocking Male masturbators. Whilst I haven't obviously tried them myself, male friends have told me The Tenga eggs and Fleshlights, are the best products around. Great for solo play or with a partner.
Check them out here

There you have it, a different sort of post to normal but I hope you enjoyed.

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