Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Sickly and Fabulous - Fashion Post

But you don't look sick ...No I don't, well not all the time. That's because I love makeup, hair and generally dressing up, it makes me feel a little bit more normal (whatever that is) when I can be bothered.

So included throughout this post are some outfit of the day pics from the last week.
Just because I feel like shit doesn't mean I have to look it too. 

Saying that though dressing or choosing an outfit can be a little harder than it seems when you have an illness or condition.
Scarves are a winter staple for a normal fashionistas wardrobe, but they're not so great when you have a seizure, drop to the floor and accidentally strangle yourself.

Leggings are my fashion love and I don't care what anyone says. I'm a little obsessed with compression leggings PROS: They help with blood volume, are less painful to wear, are hella cute and STUPIDLY comfortable.
CONS: They aren't cheap and people automatically assume I go to the gym.

Bitch my whole life is a workout !!

I think people assume that if you're chronically ill and decide to get dressed up or leave the house, then you can't really be that ill after all.

And those people can kindly fuck off because I'm chronically fabulous !!

If you like this post why not go vote for me in the UK Blog Awards Health Category?
You can vote once every day up until January the 25th and it literally takes less than a minute.


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