Tuesday 1 March 2016

My Illness, My Style, Don't Judge

Ooo your hairs grown long, but it looks kinda fake
It is fake, medication meant I lost it in patches, extensions make me feel ‘normal’ and 'pretty’ again.

You wear a lot of makeup
There’s pale and interesting then there’s Casper the friendly ghost. What I can’t enjoy makeup like every other girl in there 20s?

Don’t start messing around with plastic surgery 
My body NOT yours !! I only wanna have some of the damage fixed by treatments and medications over the years fixed. In a sense I wanna be 'normal’ and not face painful reminders when I look in the mirror

Why don’t you try getting dressed instead of wearing PJs or gym wear all the time, it may make you feel better.
I want and need to be comfortable and dressing this way helps… I look hella good rocking Nike leggings actually and I feel good. This is me and MY style. Why should I put on a pair of jeans? To please you? Jog on love …

Love Charlotte 

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