Sunday 19 June 2016

N:rem Sleep System Review

"I have been given this product as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company. "

I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people value a good nights sleep. Ultimately, when you clock up the amount of time we spend attached to our beds in a lifetime. It's a fair chuck of time. Thanks to suffering from multiple chronic illnesses, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, my chunk is quite a bit bigger than most peoples.

Unfortunately often our beds, well mattresses aren't designed to be used quite as much as myself or another person living with health issues use them.

I'm sure everybody has had one of those nights where you 'slept funny', waking up in pain. Now Imagine doing that everyday, only with pain before you fell asleep too, sounds like hell right? Well yeah it is, but thankfully N:rem have created a mattress to try and help with that.

Made up of five foam pieces ranging from firm to very soft. N:rem allows you to personalise your mattress to suit you. Allowing you to get a better night sleep and therefore help reduce those morning aches and pains.
BOOM Magic !!

Set up was simple enough, just open the box and go. For me the very first thing I noticed was the strong foam smell so I left the box open 24hours before removing the foam pieces and placing them on the bed.

A leaflet clearly explained everything so it was hard to go wrong (they have a handy helpline if you need help).
Luckily or unluckily depending on how you look at it,for me one of my main problems is back pain, which just happened to be one of the main issues they'd had in mind when making this so I just followed the example layout as shown below.

I admit after trying the example it was trial and error to find the exact format for me personally. Once done though I could instantly tell the difference.

Now because of how much I love this mattress it won't be coming off. Better nights sleep certainly make me a happy bunny.

However I admit there are two down sides, both lucking are easily sorted.
One is the price. With prices ranging from £395 for enough to cover a single (above) to £895 for Super King size its not exactly cheap. Luckily payments plans are available from only £1 a night INCLUDING a 30 day trial.

Another was that my foam pieces tended to move a little in the night. They grip well to the mattress, just I wake up to find they've moved 3 or 4 inches overnight.
How to fix it?? Try using a fitted sheet.

Remember that the foam pieces do add approx 12cm to the bed height. Which may be something you want to keep in mind depending on your personal situation and when buying bedding.

Like I already said, mine won't be coming off, any tiny negatives were outweighed by a reduction in pain levels
Look how happy I am

That's Priceless.

What do you think?
Charlotte xx

Posted using BlogPress by Miss CLX

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