Wednesday, 4 January 2017


I am so late, but what's new eh?Christmas and New year absolutely exhausted me. Then on the second we all went on this family walk, which was was pretty cool for so many reasons, however I really regret not wearing proper shoes.

Anyway HAPPY NEW YEAR !! if you want to see what I got for Christmas there's a video up on my YouTube channel. Oh and did you know I've started a brand new channel? Five days in and it's all go already.

Towards the end of 2016 I started blogging more and I plan to continue with that throughout 2017. I just went through a bit of a funk last summer.

I'd love to know what you'd love to see more of on the blog? Some of you may know I'm very into my trainers / sneakers. I just don't want to post things no-one will be interested in.

Just a quick post today but why not follow along ( buttons on the right hand side of the screen on desktop ) and then you won't miss a thing.

I really want to get more involved with the blogging community this year.

Time to smash 2017 !!
Lots of love

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